How to download Aadhaar XML file for offline eKYC
Watch Online Video on how to download Aadhaar XML File.

Keep the Aadhaar Number near by for reference. Also ensure that current mobile number is updated with UIDAI and linked to Aadhaar number.
  • Step 1: Go to URL, which is the official portal provided by Government of India for Aadhaar.
  • Step 2: Enter 'Aadhaar Number' or 'VID' and mentioned 'Security Code' in screen, then click on 'Send OTP'
  • Step 3: Enter the OTP received by registered Mobile Number for the given Aadhaar Number
  • Step 4: Create Password for Aadhaar XML. Enter a Share Code which will become the password for the ZIP file.
  • Step 5: Aadhaar XML is securely packed into a ZIP file with password protection. Download the ZIP file and store in your computer at a safe location. This Aadhaar XML will be used to establish identity when applying Digital Signature.
  • It is a secure sharable document which can be used by Aadhar number holder for offline verification of Identity
  • Service Providers like telecom mobile companies, Digital Signature Providers, and others can establish identify of an individual using Aadhaar eKYC XML
  • The file contains Name, Address, Photo, Gender, DOB, registered Mobile Number, Email address of resident among other details